Tuesday, 3 November 2009

2009 Fur & Feather

Grebe AC - fur n Feather match 2009 is to take place on Sunday 6th December 2009.

Fishing takes place at - Ramsey St Mary's, R.Old Nene, draw 0830hrs fish 10-3pm, £20 all in for members, £25 for guests wishing to fish the match and eat afterwards. This includes match pools, dayticket, meal contribution (the club is squaring up the remainder of the tab), £1 winner takes all and the 50p golden peg.

Eating to take place at - the Lion, Ramsey St Mary's (sat nav PE26 2TB) sitting down at around 4.45pmthe menu is a choice from;


Cream of Broccoli soup served with a warm bread roll
Prawn Cocktail with a slice of Wholemeal bread
Smooth Chicken liver pate, served with toast and salad garnish


Roast of Sirloin Beef
Roast Breast of Turkey
Sea Bass Fillet
All accompanied with seasoned vegetables, roast puddings & parsnips, homemade stuffing, gravy and Yorkshire pudding.


Traditional Christmas Pudding served with brandy sauce
Apple pie & custard

What I need to know is the following and also by the end of this current month at the very latest!

A) Are you coming to fish only, eat only or both? B) If you are eating what is your choice from the menu above?

Please let me know ASAP as it is important that we have the correct numbers and menu choices for the chef. We have reserved 15 places for the meal and provisionally booked 15 pegs on the St Mary's stretch, all of this can though be expanded upon if more of us turn up!!!

I look forward to hearing from you all in due course. If you wish I can be contacted on 07789 931031 or 01354 677753 (eves) to reserve your place.

Best regards

Steve G(Grebe AC Treasurer)

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